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Kansai Chubu Tour 10Days

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  • From 423,000yen

Service Description

This is just a brief overview of traveling in the Kansai Chubu region. Each destination is filled with unique charm and experiences, offering a delightful journey through Japan's cultural and culinary delights. Enjoy your travels! Itinerary & Description Day1 Kansai International Airport==Hotel(Four or five star) Day2 Hotel Dep Time(08:30)==Osaka castle==Dotonbori==Ninja experience==18:30Hotel(Four or five star) Day3 Hotel Dep Time(08:30)==Horyuji-temple(ticket¥1500)==Nara Deer Park==Todaiji-temple(ticket¥800)==Kasuka Shrine==18:30Hotel(Four or five star) Day4 Hotel Dep Time(08:30)==Nagoya Castle(ticket¥500)==Atsuta Shrine==Osu Kannon==18:00Hotel(Four or five star) Day5 Hotel Dep Time(08:30)==Inuyama Castle(National Treasure)(ticket¥550)==Showa Yokocho==Museum Meiji-Mura(ticket¥2000)==18:30Hotel(Four or five star) Day6 Hotel Dep Time(08:30)==Renka-oin-temple(ticket¥600)==Kodaiji temple(ticket¥600)==The Path of Nene==Kimono tea ceremany experience==18:30Hotel(Four or five star) Day7 Hotel Dep Time(08:30)==Kinkakuji-temple==Ryuanji temple==Shimokamo Shrine==18:30Hotel(Four or five star) Day8 Hotel Dep Time(08:30)==Amanohashidate(The three scenic views of Japan)==Kinosaki Onsen==18:30Hotel(Four or five star) Day9 Hotel Dep Time(08:30)==Himeji-Castle(World Heritage)(ticket¥1000)==18:30Hotel(Four or five star) Day10 Hotel==Kansai International Airport

Contact Details


6F, Wizem Building, 3-3-8 Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN

©2024 by ASIA TOURIST Co., Ltd.

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